Digital Ad Units

Digital Ad Units

Promote your business on the most trusted travel resource for the Citrus County region assists over 1.5M highly-qualified visitors planning travel and activities during their vacation. Digital advertising is blended seamlessly into the look and feel of our website, maximizing performance and your ad spend. Digital ads allow you to form a deeper connection with potential customers before, during, and after their vacation.

We've also sponsored discounts for all of our Partners when they advertise with us. After 1 year of advertising, you will receive a 15% discount on all ads placed. After 2 years you will receive a 30% discount on all ads placed. 

Flexible Advertising Options

Digital Advertising is offered through our partner, Destination Signals. Their flexible program allows our Partners to place digital ads annually or seasonally, with no minimum ad spends. They also allow for unlimited copy and creative updates to the content that you are placing on our website. Billing is also flexible and can be done monthly, quarterly, or annually.

View Digital Advertising Guide >>

Top 4 Reasons To Promote Your Business With Us

REACH a qualified audience of wealthy, educated visitors and locals.

BUILD targeted, custom-tailored campaign strategies.

ACCESS native advertising placements, which outperform display ads 4 to 1.

MEASURE your advertising performance and results.